WonderLeads Breakthrough Stories
This page has the leadership breakthrough stories shared by the WonderLead community. The intention of this page is to have an easy and scannable page where you can find a challenge that you might be facing, meet other leaders who faced it, and learn from their experience. Within this tool, we hope you will increase your confidence. Discover that you have agency and the magic of contributing to our community. Embark on your WonderLead journey by following this framework.
Share your breakthrough stories and increase your leadership impact!
Or if you are having a challenge, don’t hesitate to write it in the chat or send me a message if you want it to be private. Many of the subscribers have been in similar shoes and would like to help you!
Emotional Intelligence
I got feedback about high IQ but low EQ: Suppressing my emotions was stopping my growth and even risking my job at the staff level. Embracing Emotional Intelligence allowed me to understand myself and connect better with others. Emotional Intelligence makes us more human and is the multiplier that transforms good engineers into exceptional technical leaders. - Patricia Juarez Muñoz in How to develop EQ as an engineer or a manager
If I hadn’t been self-aware, the meeting would have gone downhill from there. That day instead of reacting, I caught myself. I paused. I looked away, opened my notes app and started writing my thoughts. This allowed me to process those thoughts better. With my emotions in check, I could now think clearly: How do I get the outcome I want without escalating this further? - Suresh Choudhary in Self-Awareness in Tech Leadership
Job/Role Change
Coming Soon
Leave Challenges
Coming Soon